5 Things I Should Adult About

Day 8 for the blogging challenge is a little late because today has been a long day. I don’t anticipate this being a long post; I’m currently quite a sleepy blogger. Today is all about my 5 current goals. All of my goals require me to Adult, with which I’m currently experiencing technical difficulties.

Listed in order of priority:

5.) Getting new items listed on Adopt-a-Dish. I want to create some new stuff this year. I want to write new stories for my pieces, make my Facebook page more interactive and engaging. In general, I simply want to have more fun with it. I’m not looking to get rich selling hand-painted dishes; I only want to wake up in the mornings and be able to say that I enjoy what I do.

4.) Make friends. We moved to Florida 6 months ago and I still don’t have friends here. At first, I didn’t see the point in making friends since our move was intended to be very temporary, but that’s what social media is for. Besides, I need a workout buddy. Someone who can help hold me accountable. Someone I can go have lunch with occasionally. I’ve been encouraging my kids to socialize and make friends so I’d be a hypocrite not to do the same myself.

*Note: I just want to point out that my not having friends here shouldn’t make you feel pangs of pity or anything. :p I don’t feel like I’m lacking anything; my life here is so full and wonderful. The main reason I haven’t made any friends here is because I haven’t tried to do so. I’ve been so busy with my own family, sight-seeing, and painting that going out to socialize just didn’t rank high on my list of priorities. I’m only wanting to make it a priority now because I know myself well enough to know that it could become a problem for me later and I don’t want that. I encourage my kids to get out of their comfort zones and build healthy relationships with different types of people, so they need to see me doing the same.

3.) Making health a priority/spending more time outdoors. This has been on my priority list for years and I’ve been making slow progress. I eat a ton more green things now than I used to, thank you very much. I do want to kick it up a notch this year though. I want to utilize the gym here in our community more. I used to go to a yoga class 2-3 times a week when we were in GA (before things got really hectic and I couldn’t anymore) so if I can fit it in our budget I’d like to do that again since there’s a studio close by. At the very least I’d like to accomplish the above goal so I have a (home) yoga buddy or gym partner. Maybe take my dog for more walks, visit the park more.

2.) Starting The Cuteness on a Brain Balance Program. If you’ve never heard of it, look it up; I believe it will be absolutely amazing for her, and us as a family.

And that leaves the main priority as:

1.) Determining what our more immediate future holds. Things may change dramatically for us in the next 6 months & I’m really struggling with deciding what shape those changes are going to take & how we’re going to navigate them. I need someone to pray that God miraculously makes us an adultier couple because we’re going to need the guidance of a beings far wiser than ourselves to make these decisions and see them through.

What are your 5 current goals? How close or far away are you to achieving those goals?

Harry Potterotica & Why I Love It

No, I don’t actually like Harry ‘Potterotica’ so let’s go ahead and get that out of the way first. However, it is relevant. Between these two videos is everything I ever wanted to say on behalf of the treatment of women & the pornography industry which I absolutely detest. I wish I had even a speck of the talent & vision these two ladies have. And the best part? Somehow Harry Potter is involved & I love me some Harry Potter.


Before you click on either of these videos, please be aware that the content therein is not suitable for children or work. There is explicit language and sexual references in both (particularly the first), but at the same time, they are both profound and powerful. I hope that men and women alike will take a look at these and let the words sink in.

If you liked that one, feel free to like her Facebook page 🙂

That was Madiha Bhatti and the only place I’ve been able to find more about her is here. I think she’s pretty incredible. 🙂

Thanks for reading/watching and please feel free to share this post or any other ones that you may have liked. My post on what feminism is and is not would be a good one to go along with this one. 🙂 I want everyone to hear what these women are saying!! This is the world we’re raising young men and women in; the way we treat each other needs to change yesterday.


if-we-ever-meet-again-7<— This.

I struggled with how to begin this post. I didn’t know if I wanted to share it publicly or just write it for myself. Eventually, I decided to put my fingers on the keys and let whatever word vomit occurred to me spill out so if this is a crap post, you can blame it on the copious quantities of  caffeine I’ve consumed today and the fact that my phone keeps incessantly interrupting me with things like, “PUDDING!” and “You can turn it off…there’s like a button you can press.” If you know for a fact those are your designated text tones, this post doesn’t apply to you & I’m totally using the word “interrupting” in an endearing fashion. 😉 There are plenty that won’t really understand this post, but there are a few close to me who will. This is for you. Take from it what you will.

I’m finding that the quote above is so, so very true. I know many people who have experienced scenarios where someone they love dearly is abruptly (or sometimes, not so abruptly) removed from their lives for reasons outside their control. They don’t understand, it doesn’t make sense and it hurts. It’s painful when you have a long relationship with someone – romantic, platonic or otherwise – that just ends without you being able to understand the reasoning behind it.

There’s at least one friend in my life that I can think of right now who I thought I would ALWAYS be close to. I thought we had that sort of unbreakable bond; the kind that lasts no matter how many years pass or how long we go without talking to each other. A friend that doesn’t judge me too harshly for not being perfect, but smacks me when I need it &/or lets me confide in them with the promise that they won’t betray my confidence.  tumblr_lsrpjnslKi1qmfxdzo1_500Or, at the very least, the kind of friend who I would always be friends with if only because we know too much stuff about each other.

I think I’ve known for a while now that our relationship has changed. We’ve grown to be different people and our lives have taken us down different paths. Neither path is better or worse than the other…it is what it is. We’re both still good people. We still have things in common, but our friendship lacked substance. It was built on fun, carefree moments, lots of laughs and the tiniest bit of high school drama. We’re different now. I’m kind of sad that we don’t seem to share the same bond we once had, but I’m not as broken-hearted as I thought I’d be. I realize that she will always be in my heart. We will always have good memories together; I just don’t think we’ll be making very many new ones.  We’ve grown apart.


Honestly, it’s okay. I feel at peace with that. When I think about my friend, it will be with fondness & I’ll still be there for her if she ever needs me. I have simply reached a point where I’ve decided that I don’t want to put anymore energy into maintaining relationships with people who don’t value me the same way I value them. It’s nobody’s fault. Sometimes things just pan out that way. Life is too short and my attempts to hold on to our friendship have started to feel a little like kicking a dead horse. These are not the kind of relationships I want to have.

friendship_quotes-4I believe relationships of every kind are a two-way street & they take work. I guess I feel like maybe my friend had higher priorities than maintaining her friendship with me and that’s okay. I’m not trying to sound pretentious, hurtful or condescending. Again, it is what it is.


I’m not even mad. I_aint_even_mad

i_aint_even_mad_but-268370Like…no, really. I’m not…

I believe she still regards me with fondness but somewhere along the way, without much warning or reason, we stopped putting in the effort it takes to stay connected. I’m thankful for all the awesome memories we have and for the lessons we (both – hopefully) learned from each other.

That’s enough for me.

There is someone I love very much who hasn’t had very good luck in the friend department and I just wanted to let her know that she’s not alone and it’s not the end of the world. You can move on to better things (& people) that will be much more beneficial to your life. It doesn’t mean that you forget about old friends or that you can’t still love and appreciate those people. I do think, that at some point, you have to accept that those people are in your past and take the lessons they’ve taught you into your future friendships. Don’t let past hurts keep you from experiencing potentially amazing things. Life is far too short to live every moment worried about people &/or situations you can’t control. Appreciate what you had, but don’t take for granted what you’ve got right now. ❤

It’s good enough to post twice:
